Did you have a hard time falling asleep last night or did you wake up during the night and couldn't fall back to sleep? My husband has a hard time some nights going to sleep and staying asleep. I was unsure what to do to help him sleep well until I was talking to a friend about about one of my boys having "night terrors" and what to do to stop them. He would wake up in the night and would cry uncontrollably and he would not even know who we were. My friend recommended
Lavender essential oil . She told me to put a few drops on his pillow every night before he went to sleep. I put it on his pillow and he has only had one "night terror" since I started it and that night was when I had forgotten to put it on. I thought that if Lavender was good for helping to induce a deep and restful sleep that maybe I should give it to my husband to try. He was very leery about if it would work; but after a few nights of trying it he loved it and has used it every night since. Lavender Oil is very reasonably priced. It averages about $10 for a half ounce bottle. That bottle will last a long time! We have been using it for months and our bottle is not even half gone. Lavender oils is good for many things including anxiety, high blood pressure, burns and many other things! You can read more about it by clicking on
Lavender essential oil

If you have any questions or comments be sure to place them below!
Here is a quick update:
I was reading today that lavender essential oil is good for acne!!! Put a drop on a cotton swab and
apply it to the individual blemishes as needed.
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